The 2016 Giftlist

Authored by: Anwar Mc Noo


"Every day may not be good...
but there's something good in everyday" 
-Alice Morse Earle-

Tahun 2016 has come to an end, and yet we're still searching for our new year gifts?

Then let's do a checklist now:

  1. We still have our family with us
  2. We received best luck and all the best messages before we sit for the exams
  3. We have made new friends
  4. We have received caring messages from our brothers
  5. We have received loving messages from our sisters
  6. We've gained useful experience
  7. We’ve learnt something new
  8. We’ve made someone remember about Allah
  9. We’ve inspired people  to read Quran
  10. We’ve learnt to get back up from pur falls
  11. We’ve been mentioned in our friends’ du’a
  12. We received likes for our statuses from someone special
  13. We spent wonderful times with our families
  14. We have memorized new surahs in Quran
  15. We’ve made someone smile
  16. We’ve found the reasons to keep smiling
  17. We’ve found the true meaning of sharing and friendship

Sometimes, the best gifts don't come with ribbons and bows ^_^
Appreciate all the gifts which He has given to us

Most probably, there are people out there, fighting to have one of those.

Done checklist?
Sayonara 2016,
And welcome 2017, a new checklist will be made.


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