Funny Isn’t It?

Authored by: Alya Halim
Edited by: Anwar Mc Noo


"Envy comes from people's ignorance of, or lack of belief in, their own gifts." 
(Jean Vanier)

More often than not, we envy others’ achievements and ‘success’ simply because we have yet to taste it. However, keep in mind that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Why don’t we just take a step back and observe the multiple blessings bestowed upon us, which may seem insignificant to us now.. but are actually worth a lot more in the eyes of others.

Funny isn’t it
How the world seemed a lot nicer
When we were younger
A lot less things on our plates
And a lot more fun on our dates

Funny isn’t it
How people seem friendlier
When we’ve reached higher
Forced smiles and fake laughs
Always linger their mouths
But still
It never seems to be enough

Funny isn’t it
How the days go slower
When life gets harder
Then everything feels heavier
As if the world itself
Is warning us to be stronger

Funny isn’t it
How they quarrel over wealth
When others are just begging for health
Trivial matters long forgotten
Priorities as well, be forsaken
When body and soul fear separation

Funny isn’t it
How the weak gets weaker
While the strong grows stronger
Not through resistance or diligence
But merely luck and fortunes
Passed down through generations

Ain’t it funny though?
Even families abandon each other
Because love is nothing but a matter


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